Friday, 5 June 2015

The Persecution of the X-men

The X-Men is undoubtedly one of the greatest  comic book franchises that exist in our time, the x-men were one of the first comic books to tackle issues of discrimination and racism head on. It is quite ironic that now the x-men, a franchise used to fight discrimination, is being discriminated against by their own publishers,marvel.
The situation at marvel is quite straight forward. Its Avengers vs X-men, and the X-men are losing. This fight didn't even start on the page but is a result of movie studios fighting to see who can hold out the longest. FOX studios, the current holder of the X-men and Fantastic Four film rights, has never been much of a friendly studio. The main issue with FOX, is that they simply do not understand the francises they have. Recently they've knocked it out of the park with their x-men films, but that is simply because of the change of the person in charge of the francise, and fact that the fantastic four movie was made just to delay the rights reverting back to marvel, rather than try to work out a deal shows that they rather screw another studio than give the fans what they want
Now we go to the otherside of the problem. Because of the rights issues marvel has more or less been told to simple bury the X-men, which they've been doing since 2008. They killed the Fantastic four francise salting the earth it stood on, but can not do that to one as big as the X-men. Marvel has simply not been trying with the x-men excluding them from events , secluding them from everyone else or by simply replacing them. Retconning the history of Magneto and his children Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to suit the movies is one thing, but replacing them completely with the inhumans is another. The inhumans have more or less become the x-men facing issues that the x-men should deal with, but instead they sit waiting to become irrelevant.
The x-men made marvel through  most of their publication history. Introducing iconic villains and heroes, having one of the best animated series made, that still holds up to today's standards with its maturity towards discrimination, Xmen should honored for their role in marvel but no
Discreminated and persecuted against

All I really want is a beloved francise be treated with respect, not some mandatory team that can not go away. All i can do now is hope that with this new marvel reboot, that the x-men get what they deserve. Eventually the rights will return or they'll make the X-men more a part of the marvel universe again, i just hope its sooner rather than later, but until then all I can do is read on and see

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