Friday, 22 May 2015

Supergirl pilot review

So im not going to lie, when the trailer dropped for this show I was kind of...meh. I mean the show did look somewhat interesting, but not really the type of show id check out. Here's why it seemed to have two different tones fighting internally, one your superhero tone which was fine and two very devil wears prada, like the type of story of a small town girl trying to make it or make a diffrence, very ugly Betty and ive seen ugly Betty so why should i be intrested again. Granted the episode was very much like this, but it wasn't as bad as thought it'd be. You've probably heard the jokes that this show looks like the SNL blackwidow sketch brought to life, to which i say not really, i mean that was a parody of blackwidotheause of how itwinn the futs so out of character while in this case it actually suits Kara Zor-El. My main fear was that this show was target soley at women and would pander to what women like, and it does but not to an extreme amount that male viewers would feel kinda out of place or anything watching it, the magic is it blends the superhero story and working girl story pretty well, now to the pilot.

So Kara Zor-El's origin is pretty spot on. Her baby cousin Kal El ( our man in blue who actually gets name dropped as superman) gets shot to earth first and Kara, 13 at the time (16 in the comics), is shot after him to basically protect and raise him, but somethinghappens to her ship, in this case it gets stuck in the phantom zone, and she arrives 24 years later still 13 years old but found by a now adult Kal.
So Kal takes her to the Danvers, trusted scientists who helped him in the the past who, fun fact, are played by two super veterans. Dean Cain playing mister Danvers, he played superman in the old Lois and Clark show and Helen Slater playing Mrs.Danvers, she was supergirl in the old 80's supergirl movie, so thats a nice throw back refrence. So flashforward about 10 years and Kara is tryingto make it in the city Working for Cath Grant....sure why not in National city, and Kara has made the decision to not use her powers and be normal.
Ofcourse theres an emergency that requires her to save the day and she does quite spectacularly, the cg is pretty impressive for tv show. She then decides she wants to be a hero like her cousin.
We then get a cool montage of Kara trying to start up with some cool eastereggs , like Kara trying out the old school supergirl costumes.
Until we finally get her in her suit. When asked about the S i was sure it was going to be the whole it means hope from man of steel, but i was pleasantly suprised when she says its the  symbol of the house of El, which is very much what it is. I also like how they're using a version of the black and red shied its pretty nice.
The basic story is that theres this prison that was trapped in the phantom zone and when Kara's ship escapes the phantom zone so does the prison, following the ship. The prison crashes on earth and hundreds of alien prisoners are let loose, so that sets up our freak of the week situation for the show. Now they say the prison is from Krypton but doesn't seem to have any....kryptonians, but a slew of other aliens prisoners, i even think i saw old school villain Despro on there but that could be any purple alien. Here's the kicker all of the prisoners were placed there by Kara's mother, who was never really important before in the comics,but here she seemed to be the supreme judge of Krypton. So now all these aliens ofcourse have a grudge against Kara. Now About shows secondary characters.
(You look diffrent Jim but i just can't put my finger on it, maybe its a new hair cut i don't know)
So yeah there are quite the few creative choices that have been taken on "James" Olsen, which we have to see how it pans out. Kara is actually surrounded by quite a few villains who seem to be good guys. we have Winslow Schott aka Toyman, old school superman villain who seems to be Kara's confidant/friend/possible love interest. We have Hank Henshaw aka Cyborg superman, who Kara does have a relationship with, but thats a different version of cyborg superman. Here Henshaw runs the task force meant to take down the aliens. And then we have Alex Danvers , Kara's stepsister who works for the task force and according to rumours may be a character based on someone important, and the show does hint at it, but we'll have to see what A-LEX Danvers does In the future.
No superman/supergirl story is complete without a holographic image of a deadparent giving you sage advise. My question is, wheres her father Zor-El,did he not matter at all. This is one of my gripes with the episode which I'll touch upon.
Through the episode they keep mentioning some general in the prison, to which i just thought it'll just be Zod, but no they pull an old classic. Its the-" your mother has a evil twin who she put away but is now out and coming for you for revenge". It just cracks me up.
Visually the episode looked good. The cg was great, the flying, superstrength and heat vision all done well. Now my issue with the show. I knew this shows main target is women, so in the show they try to deal with mysogynistic ideas , which is good but done so painfully on the nose it looses its impact. Half the things go like-"you cant do it cause you're a woman. Girls bow to men". Im not even joking these lines were in the actual episode. The whole time im thinking to myself come on you're better than this.
So yeah the episode was actually pretty decent, not bad and im curious to actually check out more. So yeah i recommend the pilot.

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