Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Superman doesn't kill. Here's why.

So me and my friend sid decided to argue about the choices made in man of steel, specifically the end. While hes going to defendZack Snyder Im going talk about why he's wrong.

So recently comicbooks first superhero has returned to the big screen,  but in an extremely darker tone. But even with the tone that doesn't match the character, and the not so great writing it wasn't really a bad film. But then there's the, superman kills zod. This is something that really spoils the movie and here's why

DC comics which are supposed to the "dark" and "gritty" do have one staple. A large part of their characters do not kill, they believe in finding another way. Granted that doesn't mean they don't kill , but the one rule there is is that batman and superman do not kill.

Now to tackle the argument that he had no choice in the situation I simply say this, of course he had no choice the writers wrote him into that situation. Which brings up the fundamental problem,  the writers, the director, they simply don't understand the character. Richard donner Co-wrote a superman story a few years ago, which was basically the same plot with the introduction of Zod and his invading army all the way to getting sucked back into the phantom zone. The way that story ended was perfect. 

Versions that have a killer superman tend to be evil superman. And even still theyre more lamenting.

The point of superman is that he doesn't kill and that he'll always find another way, because he can because of his godlike powers. He's suppose to inspire people and give them hope, not something to worship. He doesn't see himself as a god, but a simple man who just wants to do good. He became a journalist partly to be in the know but to also be able to spread the truth.

With Batman v Superman we can only hope that this movie drops certain misconceptions that they think the audience wants. And hopefully they remeber one Important thing

Here's a counter argument from my friend sid

Friday, 5 June 2015

The Persecution of the X-men

The X-Men is undoubtedly one of the greatest  comic book franchises that exist in our time, the x-men were one of the first comic books to tackle issues of discrimination and racism head on. It is quite ironic that now the x-men, a franchise used to fight discrimination, is being discriminated against by their own publishers,marvel.
The situation at marvel is quite straight forward. Its Avengers vs X-men, and the X-men are losing. This fight didn't even start on the page but is a result of movie studios fighting to see who can hold out the longest. FOX studios, the current holder of the X-men and Fantastic Four film rights, has never been much of a friendly studio. The main issue with FOX, is that they simply do not understand the francises they have. Recently they've knocked it out of the park with their x-men films, but that is simply because of the change of the person in charge of the francise, and fact that the fantastic four movie was made just to delay the rights reverting back to marvel, rather than try to work out a deal shows that they rather screw another studio than give the fans what they want
Now we go to the otherside of the problem. Because of the rights issues marvel has more or less been told to simple bury the X-men, which they've been doing since 2008. They killed the Fantastic four francise salting the earth it stood on, but can not do that to one as big as the X-men. Marvel has simply not been trying with the x-men excluding them from events , secluding them from everyone else or by simply replacing them. Retconning the history of Magneto and his children Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to suit the movies is one thing, but replacing them completely with the inhumans is another. The inhumans have more or less become the x-men facing issues that the x-men should deal with, but instead they sit waiting to become irrelevant.
The x-men made marvel through  most of their publication history. Introducing iconic villains and heroes, having one of the best animated series made, that still holds up to today's standards with its maturity towards discrimination, Xmen should honored for their role in marvel but no
Discreminated and persecuted against

All I really want is a beloved francise be treated with respect, not some mandatory team that can not go away. All i can do now is hope that with this new marvel reboot, that the x-men get what they deserve. Eventually the rights will return or they'll make the X-men more a part of the marvel universe again, i just hope its sooner rather than later, but until then all I can do is read on and see

Friday, 22 May 2015

Supergirl pilot review

So im not going to lie, when the trailer dropped for this show I was kind of...meh. I mean the show did look somewhat interesting, but not really the type of show id check out. Here's why it seemed to have two different tones fighting internally, one your superhero tone which was fine and two very devil wears prada, like the type of story of a small town girl trying to make it or make a diffrence, very ugly Betty and ive seen ugly Betty so why should i be intrested again. Granted the episode was very much like this, but it wasn't as bad as thought it'd be. You've probably heard the jokes that this show looks like the SNL blackwidow sketch brought to life, to which i say not really, i mean that was a parody of blackwidotheause of how itwinn the futs so out of character while in this case it actually suits Kara Zor-El. My main fear was that this show was target soley at women and would pander to what women like, and it does but not to an extreme amount that male viewers would feel kinda out of place or anything watching it, the magic is it blends the superhero story and working girl story pretty well, now to the pilot.

So Kara Zor-El's origin is pretty spot on. Her baby cousin Kal El ( our man in blue who actually gets name dropped as superman) gets shot to earth first and Kara, 13 at the time (16 in the comics), is shot after him to basically protect and raise him, but somethinghappens to her ship, in this case it gets stuck in the phantom zone, and she arrives 24 years later still 13 years old but found by a now adult Kal.
So Kal takes her to the Danvers, trusted scientists who helped him in the the past who, fun fact, are played by two super veterans. Dean Cain playing mister Danvers, he played superman in the old Lois and Clark show and Helen Slater playing Mrs.Danvers, she was supergirl in the old 80's supergirl movie, so thats a nice throw back refrence. So flashforward about 10 years and Kara is tryingto make it in the city Working for Cath Grant....sure why not in National city, and Kara has made the decision to not use her powers and be normal.
Ofcourse theres an emergency that requires her to save the day and she does quite spectacularly, the cg is pretty impressive for tv show. She then decides she wants to be a hero like her cousin.
We then get a cool montage of Kara trying to start up with some cool eastereggs , like Kara trying out the old school supergirl costumes.
Until we finally get her in her suit. When asked about the S i was sure it was going to be the whole it means hope from man of steel, but i was pleasantly suprised when she says its the  symbol of the house of El, which is very much what it is. I also like how they're using a version of the black and red shied its pretty nice.
The basic story is that theres this prison that was trapped in the phantom zone and when Kara's ship escapes the phantom zone so does the prison, following the ship. The prison crashes on earth and hundreds of alien prisoners are let loose, so that sets up our freak of the week situation for the show. Now they say the prison is from Krypton but doesn't seem to have any....kryptonians, but a slew of other aliens prisoners, i even think i saw old school villain Despro on there but that could be any purple alien. Here's the kicker all of the prisoners were placed there by Kara's mother, who was never really important before in the comics,but here she seemed to be the supreme judge of Krypton. So now all these aliens ofcourse have a grudge against Kara. Now About shows secondary characters.
(You look diffrent Jim but i just can't put my finger on it, maybe its a new hair cut i don't know)
So yeah there are quite the few creative choices that have been taken on "James" Olsen, which we have to see how it pans out. Kara is actually surrounded by quite a few villains who seem to be good guys. we have Winslow Schott aka Toyman, old school superman villain who seems to be Kara's confidant/friend/possible love interest. We have Hank Henshaw aka Cyborg superman, who Kara does have a relationship with, but thats a different version of cyborg superman. Here Henshaw runs the task force meant to take down the aliens. And then we have Alex Danvers , Kara's stepsister who works for the task force and according to rumours may be a character based on someone important, and the show does hint at it, but we'll have to see what A-LEX Danvers does In the future.
No superman/supergirl story is complete without a holographic image of a deadparent giving you sage advise. My question is, wheres her father Zor-El,did he not matter at all. This is one of my gripes with the episode which I'll touch upon.
Through the episode they keep mentioning some general in the prison, to which i just thought it'll just be Zod, but no they pull an old classic. Its the-" your mother has a evil twin who she put away but is now out and coming for you for revenge". It just cracks me up.
Visually the episode looked good. The cg was great, the flying, superstrength and heat vision all done well. Now my issue with the show. I knew this shows main target is women, so in the show they try to deal with mysogynistic ideas , which is good but done so painfully on the nose it looses its impact. Half the things go like-"you cant do it cause you're a woman. Girls bow to men". Im not even joking these lines were in the actual episode. The whole time im thinking to myself come on you're better than this.
So yeah the episode was actually pretty decent, not bad and im curious to actually check out more. So yeah i recommend the pilot.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D finale review

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was one of those shows that had a very rocky start in the beginning of season 1, but fans who stuck with were truly rewarded for their loyalty. Season 2 not only has better pacing and tone but the characters themselves have become incredibly interesting and layered.
Phil Coulson continues to be great as we see him grow more into his role as director of shield and quickly deal with his alien language problem (its kree so you'll find out why its important in a bit)
We have Leo Fitz struggling to deal with his brain damage with the help of Mack
The new mechanic on the team,who really cones into his own, we also have Gemma Simons deal with the factthat she now realises how dangerous super power beings truly are.We go from seeing two bright eyed scientists from the first season truly evolve. Fitz now damaged truly understands what its lije to be an outsider, sympathises with the enhanced people that show up while Simons whose seen what these people are capable of, believes that they should now be taken down with extreme prejudice and locked or cured. The show really sets up the division thats going to take place when the team has to choose sides in Civil war. Melinda May continues to be incredibly badass and in this season we get a little look into her past. The other two new additions to the team being Bobbi Morse, played by Adrianne Palicki and her ex husband Lance Hunter were definitely what mafe this show that much better, which makes me sad to think that thier potential spin off show is very much dead. Grant Ward continues to be a psychopath but gets more interesting as we see more of his clearly fractured mind.
Now we get to the good stuff. Yes both Sky and Raina turn out to be inhumans(descendants of people experimented by the kree millions of years prior, told you it was important). Coulson leads them to an inhuman city where Raina and Sky basically activate their abilities. We then get to see  Sky and Raina deal with the burden of thier inhumanity, the shear fear and problems they overcome make this season worth all the bad parts of the first season.  The first half of the season which dealt with hydra was good but it clearly was nothing more than away to set up the second half of the season.  We finally learn Skys true identity,  that being Daisy Johnson aka Quake who , fun fact, served as director of shield in the comics. We also get introduced to Skys father the crazed Cal Johnson aka Mr.Hyde. Cal really had the best arc in this show, showing us that we sometimes denounce the evil doer without trying to understand them. Raina herself evolves as the show goes on.
Finally we meet Skys mother who leads one of the secret inhuman cities, where sky is taken to get control of her abilities. The finale was definitely the best episode of the season but there was one thing that really stuck out to me. In the finale there's a group of rogue inhumans doing their best to start a war to wipe out humanity. This group of inhumans is almost exact same as the brotherhoid of mutants lead by magneto in the comics, even to the point where their leader is blinded by hate and simply wants their superior inhuman race to survive the resembles is uncanny (points to you if you get that reference). This really makes you wonder what incredible things marvel could have done to the xmen.
The violence was also cranked up especially with Coulson and Bobbi. The only down side to the finale is how similar to last season's finale. Soneone we deeply trust turns out to betray our heroes.The shows ties in the Avengers Age of ultron mainly to fill plotholes in the movie lije how Nick Fury obtained a helicarrier. But the things set up at the finale like a new splinter hydra cell, sky putting together a new enhanced human team for Coulson and especially what happens to Gemma, and makes me really excited for season 3, because now truly , something inhuman comes this way.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Movie news:Civil war cast, Professor X revealed!, constatine saved?

CIVIL WAR casting, synopsis and leak:
Our first piece of news is about the much anticipated Captain America Civil War. Hot off the heels of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Marvel is already starting to push their next big venture, most likely to try and deflect the recent negative comments made by director, Joss Whedon. We got the basic synopsis which really doesn't reveal anything that we didn't know -  the superheros are causing too much collateral damage and the government wishes to have more control over them. What's REALLY interesting is the recent cast that's been given to us. We have Chris evans, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johanson, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bethny, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Macky and finally Sebastian Stan all reprising their roles.If you think this cast is huge, well, it's about to get bigger! We have Emily van Kamp and Frank Grillo return from captain america:winter soldier and we have Daniel Bruhl playing Baron zemo the villain of the film. Now we get into the truly juicy parts of the cast we have William Hurt return as Thunderbolt Ross from the Incredible HulkTmovie (which wasn't actually made by marvel studios even though it's a part of the MCU).
This movie was made by Universal studios. The studio holds the film rights to The Hulk, and it is THIS studio that is more or less preventing us from getting a solo Hulk movie in the foreseeable future. After the incredible hulk movie did poorly at the box office, Marvel was given full reign to do whatever they wanted and the first thing they did was replace The Hullk with Mark Ruffalo, thier original choice for the movie. The studio has been moving away from that movie so it is interesting to see them pull characters back in. Thunderbolt Ross is a perfect character for this film because he is one character that would truly want to control enhanced people, and he also becomes the character known as the Red Hulk.
Next, we Chadwick Boseman playing the role of T'challa aka Black Panther, the king of Wakanda. This is a very good choice, as it not only adds more of a global diverse feel to this movie, but he is also a perfect choice for bringing out the political themes this movie is going to embody.
The most interesting return was probably Paul Rudd reprising his role as Scott Lang aka AntMan. Now Marvel has been advertising AntMan in an interesting manner. It's almost as if the movie is a stand alone film , mainly due to the controversies clouding it,and the fear of it tanking in the box office. If the movie failed, it would not have been a part of anything larger and the failure could have simply been swept aside. But now, it seems like Marvel has taken the plunge and decided to put their faith in the movie once and for all.
While Paul Rudd has gotten the call to be an Avenger, we also have Martiin Freeman cast in an unknown role and finally we'll see our new Spider Man in this movie (though the role is still uncast)! The story which was supposedly leaked, seems plausible, but derivatived - sort of like someone putting together pieces and assuming this is the story. To be fair, it very well could be, but then again, the movie has just entered it's filming stage and can easily be changed.
Finally we have some cool concept art of what to expect.

Director Brian Singer posted a picture of James Mackavoy getting ready to play Professor X once more!
 Will Potter has been cast as Penny Wise the clown in Stephen King's IT. Hopefully he'll bring the horror the character is known for. 

NBCs Constantine was cancelled a few days ago much to the dismay of many fans, given that the show was doomed to fail due to the fact it was never really given a proper chance. But now Stephen Amill, the star of CWs Arrow has revived the #saveconstantine banner by tweeting out this message. The fact that these networks aren't even connected and he's willing to go so far shows how much he cares about DCTV given the fact all these shows like Flash, Gotham etc are possible due to the popularity garnered by arrow. He truly is to dctv what Robert Downey Jr is to Marvel.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Movie news: x-men,batman&more

This week has been filled with all kinds of movie and tv related news.

The most circulated piece of news seemed to be the newly announced Dragon Ball Super, continuing after the events of Dragon Ball Z. Releasing 18 years since the show stopped, it comes out this July.

This week was a good week for Fox's X-Men, with quite a few set leaks from X-Men: Apocalypse and the reveal of Nightcrawler, who looked quite like the child version of X2s Nightcrawler. Most of the set picture simply show us glimpses of Jean Grey, Cyclops and Jubilee in their civilian outfits .All in all it seems fox has a tight grip on their X-Men franchise, although the same cannot be said of their other marvel franchise, Fantastic Four. 

With the movie just around the corner, there have been numerous reports of director Josh Trank being too difficult to work, and whether he is able to deal with the stress of such a big budget movie. He's even gotten himself removed from the post of director for the upcoming untitled Star Wars spin off. Fox has made no comment on this and states that the movie is simply going to blow expectations. 

Warner Bros. studios recently had an expose done on how they run their superhero properties, proving to many fans our deepest fears. If DC/WB seem to have no one in charge - it's because they don't. They are excited about having directors simply come and revise the properties as they please, proof being the recent Suicide Squad set photos, but more on that later. Zack Snyder is said to be helping mold the DCCU but he's busy with his own projects and cannot really manage all their supposedly "planned" movies. And even more shocking apart from the lack of direction for the property, is the unorthodox means of picking screen writers. In WB, screen writers actually compete with one another, eliminating style with having to do different scripts according to their preferences. This can be seen in the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, which largely explains the creative differences behind the screen. Disney has proven that it's best to have a single head keep track of everything ala Marvel's Kevin Feige or Star Wars' Kaitlyn Kennedy. WB claims to have a brain trust set up with members from Zack Snyder to Christopher Nolan, but as stated, Snyder being busy with his own movie and Nolan being no longer in the picture, it truly seems like WB has no one on the wheel. Directors have full creative control to do as they please however they please. It's like giving a bunch of kids a piece of paper each, asking them to colour it in with complete freedom, and at the end of the day, hoping they're all the same colour. 

More from DC - the recent leak of Ben Affleck in his full batman suit was met with mixed reactions; most liking the grey colour of the suit but others questioning its mass and lack of neck. What might likely be the case is that this is the first version of the suit, which also explains why Affleck looks extremely uncomfortable in it. Also, the pictures were simply unflattering. That aside, DC has truly no control be it running their movies or controlling their leaks. There's even a rumour that the picture of the Joker tweeted out by David Ayer for the upcoming Suicide Squad movie is a fake. 

Speaking of which, the Suicide Squad movie has faced quite a few leaks - Will Smith on sets as Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot. Which again, was meet with scrutiny. Another leak was a picture of what looked like Deadshot in his costume, but looked nothing like his comic counterpart, not even homaging. It was leaked and completely panned by the internet, though later revealed to simply be an extra or a cosplayer passing by. But again, Ayer seems to have complete control over this project, and with no one to reign him in, fans should not be surprised if tattoo Joker is very much the real deal.

Finally, I leave you with a picture of Stephen Amell as Casey Jones, from the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel, which has begun shooting.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Avengers:Age of Ultron non spoiler review


Age of ultron is the culmination of everything marvel has been doing for their phase 2 of their cinematic universe as well as the last time we see Joss Whedon helm an avengers movie (for now atleast). Is it everything we were hoping for though?

AoU is mist definitely darker than the first one, but still has those comedic interactions between characters. There isnt any point where jokes fall flat or whete character interaction isn't well done - the only exception here being the black widow-hulk romance which felt organic in the first movie and extremely forced in this one. There's alot foreshadowing for civil war, Thor 3 and the upcoming Black Panther movies. There are more than a few instances of convenient writing which may or may not bother certain movie goers but for the most part the pacing of the movie is much slower than the first movie.

Ultron the big bad in this film feels more of threat in this movie than loki did. James spader does a wonderful job bringing him to life and the translation from his comic version is done quite well but those who aren't fully privy to Ultrons character from the comics may or may not fully understand his reasoning for his actions as the movie doesn't really do the best job of truly explaining them.
The 3 new avengers we get in this movie being Vision, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are all brought to life quite well with Scarlet witch getting the most development.
The original cast don't really get much development, outside of simply setting up thier future films, with the exception of hawkeye who really came into his own in this movie but it can be argued all the development we need is in the stand alone movies.
In the end this movie has more interesting story and villain with more interesting new characters as well but it lacks the fun of the first movie.
AoU is a movie that delivers in almost all its aspects it has great acrion, comedy you feel invested with most of the characters. This movie is a must watch for all fans and this movie does deliver in its promise of an new age. An age of New Avengers.